Thursday, October 31, 2019

National Security Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

National Security Strategy - Essay Example The NSS 2010 U.S strategy seeks to build coalitions with strong international support and participation to address these issues. The NSS focuses on the security of the United States, its citizens and the US allies and partners. In addition to detecting threats posed by weapons of mass destruction specially deployed by fundamental extremists operating from within and outside the borders mentored by state or non state actors 1. The Quadrennial Defense Report (QDR) identifies the changing environment in which America will confront the challenges and threats of future. CSDFG identifies itself with National Military Strategy (NMS) with regards to the aims of the National Security Strategy (NSS) as it describes a strategic plan for the military force. 1. National Security Strategy. The white House, Washington May 2010 The strategies set forth in the DSG and CSDJF recognize the changes required for success in the new environment to meet the challenges and threats. Accomplishing both objecti ves will require stronger cooperation from our partners to deal with global challenges. Complementing the objectives in the NSS, the Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) highlights the importance of transitioning forces to address the challenges of the future. The guidance explains the need for rebalancing the US military to meet the ends. The assessment broadly echoes the president’s strategic direction of transitioning defense forces from present war to get organized for the future challenges that would broadly address the national security concerns of the United States. Thus, the current transition, states the Chairman’s strategic direction for the joint force, is a selective and non-negotiable assimilation of capabilities to reconstitute the forces after the long period of war. Whereas the ways of achieving this fully equipped joint force are described precisely in the CSDJF. For example, the force will have a command over the cutting edge information technologies in n etworked special operations, including cyber, intelligence and reconnaissance to ensure much controlled and collaborative operations 2. On achieving the ends, CSDJF further explains that, â€Å"the implementation of these strategies will be a regionally-postured, but globally networked and flexible force. It can close on its objective at a time and place of its choosing and produce irreversible and stable outcomes. Finally, it is a joint force that provides a degree of security in balance with what the nation demands and is willing to pay† 3. Hence, the DSG and CSDJF, to a great extant, are elaborative on the same issues that the NSS points out as areas related to our national security. 2. Dempsey, E. Martin. Chairman’s Strategic Direction to the Joint Force Joint Chiefs of Staffs 3. Ibid While CSDFJ is guidance in tandem with the NSS and the QDR, it is very vague in advising military objectives. Thus, many issues are left for interpretation, whereas, National Military Strategy (NMS) specifically recognizes the ends to achieve with appropriate allocation and use of resources. Both documents, NSS and QDR, are intentionally vague to allow for planning. The NSS specifies the policy of United States towards security threats caused by cross

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

System Law Essay Example for Free

System Law Essay Law is a system that can give a person rights, restrictions, and forbid a person from many different acts. Laws are to protect communities in many different forms. It was designed to protect our rights as Americans. It is also set to protect people as consumers and business owners alike. Although, many people refer to law as a restriction it is also a protection for many people. The most known way law is a protection is for consumers and business owners. It protects consumers from false advertising, which protects the health or well-being of a consumer. It protects business owners in some situations by allowing business owners to own their business separate from their personal finances. I am currently employed with Southwest Securities, FSB. Southwest Securities is a full service bank and investment firm. Over the most recent years banking has been under the gun for many changes in the law and also regulations for protection of consumers and banks around the country. Currently my bank is operating under a cease-and-desist order that is allowing us to make changes on our policies to better the company. Southwest Securities FSB, as mentioned is a full service bank for customers. There are many regulations to follow in banking. Regulation E protects the bank and consumer on electronic funds transfers which includes ATM, debit cards, bill payment, and online banking transfers. Any transaction that is considered â€Å"electronic† and requires no paper is covered by this regulation. When a customer comes in to open an account they are given a disclosure that covers this regulation and outlines the companies policies for this regulation. The most common regulation that is used the most is regulation CC. This regulation is known as the funds availability policy. This policy protects our banking customers and our bank. This allows the bank to place a hold on a check that is a large amount, a check that is forged, or a check we believe is no good for any reason. This policy protects the consumer from immediately using funds on a check that may bounce or be returned. This also protects the bank from having to pay for an overdraft on a customer’s account. If the bank doesn’t place a hold on the account then the bank may end up covering the costs to put the customer’s account back in the positive. The cease-and- desist order that was put on our bank is an order that was issued from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). We were placed under this cease-and-desist order because we had many loans that were not being paid off and the bank was taking a large loss on these loans. The FDIC ordered our bank to follow certain rules and meet certain requirements for them to â€Å"lift† the order. One of the many changes the bank made was we changed our Board of Directors. The new Board of Directors has changed many policies and has worked closely to meet regulators requests. We have part of the order lifted already but we are restricted on the types of loans that we can originate at this time. With continued efforts, improvements on policies and ensuring we are following all banking laws closely the bank will be able to lend money again in the near future. These regulations listed above are just the beginning of laws that apply to banking but they are the ones that are referred to daily in my job duties. The law is not used just to protect businesses and consumers. It is also used to protect us as citizens. For instance, a person who feels they were wronged by another person or has a debt due to them from someone else may file in civil court.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Risk Analysis of German Banks

Risk Analysis of German Banks During this assignment, the German banks data were compared to that of France and Italy banks. A simple regression analysis was performed. The data suggests that there are great variations in the basic principles when are applied in finding out the exact risks. In general, it is noted that that the France and Italy banks are more riskier than the German banks. In the financial institutions, the risks are assessed in a very particular manner. The purpose of discussing risks is to encourage the investors in the banking sectors. Therefore the managements and high level authorities in the banking system apply the various tools in addressing the risks. It is very eminent that the with out the support of the banking systems by and large the businesses can not grow, as these should be. Therefore there must be some ways of addressing the risks in the very first place. Including to satisfy the share holders and stakeholders, and other stakeholders, (Watson and Head, 2005). There are eminent differences in between the emerging market financial systems and the banking systems of developed countries. However the reasons for this significantly. It is noted that the various researchers, scholars, and academicians have shown divided ideas. As we can that some of them had a firm view about the unstable macroeconomic environment, and rest of the scholars have come forward with the point about weaker risk management practices, (Beck et al. 2003). Keeping the importance of risks assessment and its management, the followings are highlighted, so that this issue can understood in an acceptable way. Literature of Review: The banks invest their money in the different projects, such as buying of shares, construction projects, and other financial intuitions. There is also a fact that the management s in the banks monitor, evaluate and judge the performance of their projects during and after the completion of projects. Similarly, Ma, and Eli (2005) indicated that the implementers in the banking sectors must get the lessons for the previous years, failing to this would be failure of the whole project. Basically they (Ma and Eli) did support the theory of application, which suggests that investing directly to the system do not justify the action. There must be a some kind of rational in addressing the risks in the financial and highly competitive environment. In addition, to above, according to Bank for International Settlements, (2002) and Topping (2005) while highlighting the importance of risks evaluation and its management indicated that the some of the factors which contribute the risks are such as, the changing nature of macroeconomic risks, new forms of risks to the banks, and whether or the abilities, skills and other measures have really improved in addressing the issues of risks. In very simple words, it is found that the risks increase when the banks do not imply certain methods. These methods are related to see and judge the results of previous years when there were projects in the pipe lines. Some of the high rated researchers, scholars and professionals such as Chris (2008) and Topping (2005) basically indicated the following levels are addressed and if done, then there are less chances of increasing risks, such as: Risk identification: This is very basic stage where the banks can identify the risks. In simple meaning in the inputs are discussed broadly, and its implications are noted before, during and after the completion. In broader sense, this is done at the sites, where projects will be launched. Particularly, the following points can help in identifying the risks, such as: †¢ Who will take responsibility for risk identification? †¢ Process for risk identification, including existing and new products, and †¢ Regularity in reviews. Risk measurement: The followings nine factors can be measured during risk measurement such as: Capital, Assets, Market risks, Earnings, Liabilities, Business, Internal Controls, Organisation, Management. Whereas while talking about frequency of risk measurement, the followings should be noted very carefully, such as: Sources of data, it includes market prices and position information Risk measurement tools, given the complexity and level of risk assumed, Ability to measure risk at both transactional and portfolio levels. Methodology to ensure all identified risks are monitored, Accuracy, and clarity of monitoring reports, Involvement of management and staff in having the reports, Comparability of output against predetermined limits. The benefits of risk assessment: There are multi-layered assessment benefits to the banks and financial institutions. It include such as to make profits and distribute among the shareholders. It helps the clients for the banks others (employees) satisfied. This brings more jobs to the public and indirectly helps in boosting GDP. The risk assessment keeps busy the staff in doing their professional work. It can be seen that the supervisors need to spend time on-site discussing the issues with senior bank management. The time taken to perform this work will vary from bank to bank depending on the size and complexity of the institution. However, following a risk assessment, the supervisor will be better placed to decide on the intensity of the future supervision having obtained a better understanding of a banks risk profile. The intensity of supervision and the amount and focus of supervisory action will increase in line with the perceived risk profile of a bank. One advantage this has for banks is that the cost of supervision, in terms of management time or through direct costs. WE have to agree that the banks pay high costs for initial assessments, and in turn if their projects are completed, the banks then take benefit of having high wages and other facilities. The bank official especially in the third world are highly paid. Table 1 shows the three pillars in the banking sector Pillar 1 Minimum Capital Requirements Pillar 2 Supervisory Review Pillar 3 Market Discipline Market risk _ No changes from Basel I Credit risk _ Significant change from Basel I _ Three different approaches to the calculation of minimum capital requirements _ Capital incentives for banks to move to more sophisticated credit risk management approaches based on internal ratings _ Sophisticated approaches have systems/controls and data collection requirements as well as qualitative requirements for risk management Operational risk _ Not explicitly covered in Basel I _ Three different approaches to the calculation of minimum capital requirements _ Adoption of each approach subject to compliance with defined ‘qualifying criteria Banks should have a process for assessing their overall capital adequacy and strategy for maintaining capital levels _ Supervisors should review and evaluate banks internal capital adequacy assessment and strategies _ Supervisors should expect banks to operate above the minimum capital ratios and should have the ability to require banks to hold capital in excess of the minimum (i.e., trigger/target ratios in the United Kingdom; prompt corrective action in the United States) _ Supervisors should seek to intervene at an early stage to prevent capital from falling below minimum levels Market discipline reinforces efforts to promote safety and soundness in banks _ Core disclosures (basic information) and supplementary disclosures to make market discipline more effective Source: KPMG, 2003. The Table 1 above shows the details of three pillars. These guidelines are apparently seems to be quite added information for the banking managements. But again there is an inverse argument, who accepts the challenges, threats and then commits to carry out the assessments, so that the future risks could be minimised at least. Methodology and Data: The data for the banks regarding Germany, France and Italy was analysed by the Excel programme. During this analysis, a simple linear regression was carried out. There were altogether 8 parameters which were used. However in case Germany banks were compared to that of France and Italy. The parameters were such as, index, loans, equity, LA, NIM, ROAA, ROAE, and CIR. As a matter of fact these parameters are the base lines for the banks to work/operate in the competitive financial markets. Results and Discussions: The results of the analysis are presented below. It has already been indicated that the German data is compared to that of France and Italy. The Figure 1 below shows that the relationship between the German banks and France banks seems to be very poor. It means that the ways the German banks are applying are entirely different to that of France and vice versa. Figure 2 discusses the regression analysis of German banks versus Italy banks on the basis of index. It can be seen that again the relationship still very week. The data regarding loans is presented in the following Figure 3, in this case German banks were compared to that of France banks. The results show that the way the German banks are obtaining or lending loans are not comparable to that of France. It can also be seen from that Figure 3 that R2 value is too weak. Figure 4 shows the data comparison between the German banks and Italian banks. Again the regression analysis indicates that there is not good relationship between the two. Even when we look at the equation, it suggests that Italian banks approach is entirely negative to that of German banks regarding extending loan facilities to the businesses. In reality equity is the very important parameters, banks work against equity either way. It means if banks are getting loans from other financial institutions, it works on the basis of equity. It also argued here that the poor relationship between the German banks and France clearly demonstrates that there are more risks for the France banks when compared to German banks (Figure 5). Figure 6 highlights the comparison between German banks and Italy banks. The relationship between the two still very poor. It can also be seen that this relationship is negative. The data regarding LA is presented in Figure 7 and the relationship between German banks and France is indeed very poor. The results of LA regarding German banks and Italy banks suggest that there is negative relationship between the two. The same can be seen from Figure 8. Figure 9 suggests that the relationship regarding NIM for German and Italy banks negative, it means no relationship at all. The data concerning NIM is presented in the Figure 10. It can be seen that the relationship between the German banks and Italy very poor. As this relationship shows negative relationship. The analysis of ROAA regarding German and France banks is given in Figure 11. The negative relationship shows there is no strength in particularly applying the same approach. Again this ratio is highly important to note the differences in the banks. The results of analysis are given in Figure 12. It can be seen that there exists negative relationship between the German banks and Italy banks. Data regarding ROAE ratios is compared between the German and France banks. The same can be seen in Figure 13. The negative R2 value indicated the weakness of the relationship. Figure 14 suggests that the relationship between the German and Italy banks is negative. It means that the way the German banks are calculating ROAE is not same in case of Italy. The data in reference to CIR is shown in Figure 15. The comparison between the German and France banks shows that there is a negative relationship. The comparison about CIR between Germany and Italy clearly shows that there exists negative relationship. The same data is shown in Figure 16. When we look at the Figures above, in most of the analysis conducted for the various parameters show that there is a negative relationship. It means that the strength of the approach differs. As a matter of fact, it is argued that the methods of calculating risks are nearly similar in the German, France and Italy banks. So a question arises, why it is so? There could be many reasons behind the explanations. But very viable and quite acceptable refers to the non availability of the data during the months and years. The data shows big gaps, and further suggests the approaches in calculating risks in the banks are not same as in regarding Germany. Conclusions and recommendations: When we look above, it can be seen that there are different ways and means are being used by the three countrys banks in calculating the various ratios, including loans and debts. It is also very clear that there is no relationship when the data were tested through regression analysis. There is likely possibility that the German banks are not using those principles, where are used by the France and Italy banks, or vice versa. Concerning recommendations, it is suggested that the German banks if use the similar way of in disbursing loans especially; there is high probability that the risks could be deep down compared among the three countrys banks.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Letters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Jane Austen Prid

Letters play a very important role in ‘Pride and Prejudice’. They can tie the story together because letters provide information which we would not have found out from the dialogue between the characters. We can also find out extra background information which can help with the reader’s understanding of characters, the plot and the novel in general. Letters can reveal character’s personalities and how they feel about the other characters in the novel, for example Miss Bingley’s feelings about Jane. Letters are used as a dramatic device in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to further the plot, link the story and to inform the readers of the character’s personalities. Letters are also an extremely important part of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ because at the time when the novel was written, letters were the only way of communicating other than through word of mouth. Letters can be used to deliver good and bad news at any time. They did not have telephones so a letter would be the most appropriate way of keeping touch with friends and family. Jane and Elizabeth are two of the main characters in the novel and they write to each other frequently during their visits away from each other. The sisters share some parts of their personalities. Both are caring, loving and considerate towards other people, but Jane is extremely loving and she does not want to judge any of the other characters in the novel before she has heard the entire story. This is because she does not want to think badly of anyone. We know this from Jane’s letter to Elizabeth regarding the actions of Miss Bingley and Miss Hurst in London. ‘If I were not afraid of judging harshly, I should be almost tempted to say, that there is a strong appearance of duplicity in all thi... ...Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Norwalk: The Easton Press, 2008. Internet Sources Consulted "Psychological Growth in Pride and Prejudice | MSS Research." MSS Research. MSS Research, n.d. Web. 02 May 2015. Marcus, Mordecai. â€Å"A Major Thematic Pattern in Pride and Prejudice.† Nineteenth-Century Fiction 16.2 (Dec. 1961): 274-279. JSTOR. Web. 02 May 2015. Stovel, Bruce. ‘A Contrariety of Emotion’: Jane Austen’s Ambivalent Lovers in Pride and Prejudice.† The International Fiction Review 14.1 (Winter 1987): 27-33. Literature Resource Center. Web. 02 May 2015. Weinsheimer, Joel. â€Å"Change and the Hierarchy of Marriages in Pride and Prejudice.† ELH 39.3 (Sept. 1972): 404-419. JSTOR. Web. 02 May 2015. Wiesenfarth, Joseph. â€Å"The Case of Pride and Prejudice.† Studies in the Novel 16.3 (Fall 1984): 261–73. Literature Resource Center. Web. 02 May 2015.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lights and Sounds Museum Essay

When I first heard of the Lights and Sounds Museum, I thought I was just going to watch an ordinary show about the making of Intramuros. But when I entered a big room, standing, and with lights all turned off, I felt I was up for something more exciting that day. The Lights and Sounds Museum wasn’t just a museum, it was an experience center! A diorama of one of the battles fought between the Filipinos and the Spaniards. The museum was divided into different rooms. Each one of them is depicting some of the highlights of the Philippine history. It has dioramas- moving replicas of people and objects placed in scenes that tell the remarkable stories of the Philippines’ past. Statues of the different Filipino heroes were placed inside the Lights and Sounds Museum. Each scene is to be â€Å"experienced† one by one. It is dramatically narrated by a voice over with some background music. The lights are also in place to direct the attention of the audience to the main characters. A tour facilitator is also present to lead the audience from one room to another. We were brought to Europe inside the Lights and Sounds Museum and experienced the life of Jose Rizal and his fellow Filipinos when they were there. The life of Jose Rizal was one of the highlights in the Lights and Sound Museum. It was an instant trip to Europe when we were brought by the tour facilitator to Jose Rizal’s life in Spain and Germany. The publishing of La Solidaridad. We were able to â€Å"experience† the national hero’s life through the images being depicted in the dioramas. The dioramas were not anymore at their best conditions today but I still enjoyed the entire show, nonetheless. The different characters from Noli Me Tangere. There was even a room showcasing the characters of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. It was nice to go back once again to the novels written by Jose Rizal. This time, with life-size dioramas and dramatic narrations. The friars warned the Filipinos about reading Rizal’s novels. The Lights and Sounds Museum was a project of the former Tourism Secretary, Richard Gordon. The aim of the museum is to retell the history of the Philippines to local and foreign visitors in an interactive and fun setting. The building of Intramuros. Another highlight of the show is the story of how Intramuros, the Walled City, was built. This topic wasn’t discussed that much during my classes in history in high school and college. The Filipinos weren’t allowed to enter inside Intramuros- except the slaves. Because of the Lights and Sounds Museum, I have learned that ordinary Filipinos- except the special guests and the slaves- weren’t allowed to enter the walls of Intramuros back then. It was exclusive to the Spaniards- the government officials, the friars and their guests. It was also said that the Spaniards made it a very happy place. Spaniards held feasts inside it every now and then, leaving the Filipinos outside hungry and oppressed. A diorama of Jose Rizal when he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago. Lights and Sounds Museum is located at Sta. Lucia cor. Victoria Sts. The tour requires a minimum fee of PhP 1,000 per tour. The first show starts at 10:00 AM and the last show at 6:00 PM. For reservations or inquiries, you may contact (02) 524 2827.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The African-American And His Majesty’s

The African-American and His Majesty’s Army in the Age of the American Revolution "And I do hereby further declare all indented servants, Negroes, and others, (appertaining to Rebels), free, that are able and willing to bear arms, they joining His Majesty’s Troops, as soon as may be, for the more speedily reducing the Colony to a proper sense of their duty, to His majesty’s crown and dignity." On November 7th, 1775, Lord Dunmore made his fated proclamation; this utterance changed the course of the American Revolution for the African-American. If the subject is to be justified then a historical context for Dunmore’s proclamation must be provided. What was the position of the British army at the end of 1775? Had the rhetoric of American liberty accounted for the African-American? The injustices served out to the African-American between 1775 and 1776 by the white American patriot made the British promise of emancipation both appealing and logical. Lord Dunmore and the British commanders were sensitive to these Negro injustices: the decision to recruit the black bondsmen, therefore, was based on pragmatic and strategic reasoning. At the end of 1775 His Majesty’s army was in a hapless position. From the beginning of the conflict in America the British government was short of able recruits. In January 1775 five regiments of Hanoverians became British mercenaries; three regiments were sent to Gibraltar to release British troops and the remaining two were sent directly to America. If the British hoped to sustain the conflict and subdue the colonies then great reserves of manpower were required. After the battle of Bunker Hill on June 17th, 1775, the British had been forced to evacuate Boston and earlier in the month Lord Dunmore had taken the decisive step of quitting Williamsburg and seeking asylum aboard the vessel Fowey. His Majesty’s army was already in a precarious position; it was in grave danger of losing control ... Free Essays on The African-American And His Majesty’s Free Essays on The African-American And His Majesty’s The African-American and His Majesty’s Army in the Age of the American Revolution "And I do hereby further declare all indented servants, Negroes, and others, (appertaining to Rebels), free, that are able and willing to bear arms, they joining His Majesty’s Troops, as soon as may be, for the more speedily reducing the Colony to a proper sense of their duty, to His majesty’s crown and dignity." On November 7th, 1775, Lord Dunmore made his fated proclamation; this utterance changed the course of the American Revolution for the African-American. If the subject is to be justified then a historical context for Dunmore’s proclamation must be provided. What was the position of the British army at the end of 1775? Had the rhetoric of American liberty accounted for the African-American? The injustices served out to the African-American between 1775 and 1776 by the white American patriot made the British promise of emancipation both appealing and logical. Lord Dunmore and the British commanders were sensitive to these Negro injustices: the decision to recruit the black bondsmen, therefore, was based on pragmatic and strategic reasoning. At the end of 1775 His Majesty’s army was in a hapless position. From the beginning of the conflict in America the British government was short of able recruits. In January 1775 five regiments of Hanoverians became British mercenaries; three regiments were sent to Gibraltar to release British troops and the remaining two were sent directly to America. If the British hoped to sustain the conflict and subdue the colonies then great reserves of manpower were required. After the battle of Bunker Hill on June 17th, 1775, the British had been forced to evacuate Boston and earlier in the month Lord Dunmore had taken the decisive step of quitting Williamsburg and seeking asylum aboard the vessel Fowey. His Majesty’s army was already in a precarious position; it was in grave danger of losing control ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Women’s Fashion Throughout The Twentieth Century

â€Å"Fashion is the outward and visible sign of civilization, it is part of social history.† -Amy Latour, â€Å"Kings of Fashion† According to the quote by Amy Latour, fashion is another hard copy of history. Many factors have affected the manner how people dress, and one of those factors is history. World events and historical milestones play huge roles in the contemporary trends of fashion. If it were not for the momentous happenings, especially the historical events of the early twentieth and late twentieth century, the fashion industry would be notably different. Fashion is closely related to the word clothing. People clothe themselves out of necessity. In early civilizations, climate and the raw materials that were available were important in influencing what styles of dress were adopted. Clothing is estimated to have first appeared some 25,000 to 50,000 years ago (Payne, 1-2). Neanderthals, who lived in caves in central Europe, have been believed to wear simple clothing. They probably noticed that the fur bearing animals were not bothered by the weather, and so they began wearing animal skins to cover their bodies. They were simply wrapped around the body like large capes with no fastenings or sleeves. Later, people began to farm and raise varieties of animals to use for food, labor, and of course, clothing. They experienced to use yarns by taking fibers off from flax plant and wools from ships. The wool and flax yarns were woven into cloth and draped around the body, and with a tie fastened the cloth at the waist. Early Egyptians used these kinds of garments. Along with those garments were kaunakes, meaning, â€Å"skin.† Kaunakes cloths were made from textile imitating goat-skin (Boucher, 34). Greeks and Romans wore simple garments. They were draped gracefully over their bodies with borders embroidered or painted. In addition, between middle Ages and Industrial Revolution, power-driven machinery was int... Free Essays on Women’s Fashion Throughout The Twentieth Century Free Essays on Women’s Fashion Throughout The Twentieth Century â€Å"Fashion is the outward and visible sign of civilization, it is part of social history.† -Amy Latour, â€Å"Kings of Fashion† According to the quote by Amy Latour, fashion is another hard copy of history. Many factors have affected the manner how people dress, and one of those factors is history. World events and historical milestones play huge roles in the contemporary trends of fashion. If it were not for the momentous happenings, especially the historical events of the early twentieth and late twentieth century, the fashion industry would be notably different. Fashion is closely related to the word clothing. People clothe themselves out of necessity. In early civilizations, climate and the raw materials that were available were important in influencing what styles of dress were adopted. Clothing is estimated to have first appeared some 25,000 to 50,000 years ago (Payne, 1-2). Neanderthals, who lived in caves in central Europe, have been believed to wear simple clothing. They probably noticed that the fur bearing animals were not bothered by the weather, and so they began wearing animal skins to cover their bodies. They were simply wrapped around the body like large capes with no fastenings or sleeves. Later, people began to farm and raise varieties of animals to use for food, labor, and of course, clothing. They experienced to use yarns by taking fibers off from flax plant and wools from ships. The wool and flax yarns were woven into cloth and draped around the body, and with a tie fastened the cloth at the waist. Early Egyptians used these kinds of garments. Along with those garments were kaunakes, meaning, â€Å"skin.† Kaunakes cloths were made from textile imitating goat-skin (Boucher, 34). Greeks and Romans wore simple garments. They were draped gracefully over their bodies with borders embroidered or painted. In addition, between middle Ages and Industrial Revolution, power-driven machinery was int...

Sunday, October 20, 2019


CAUSES OF TRAFFIC DEATHS When a person gets behind the wheel of a car, it is just as if they have a loaded gun in their hand, waiving it around, pointing it at them self and everyone else around them, and just millimeters from squeezing the trigger. Just like a loaded gun, a car could easily hurt or kill the driver, the passengers, or other innocent people. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and control there were 11,792 Caucasian females killed in unintentional motor vehicle traffic accidents in the year 1995 (Scotti 2-3). There are many factors that comply with a traffic accident. The world today has become rushed and hectic, therefore everyone is always late for something. People are so caught up in their own lives that they forget what they are doing and even where they are going sometimes. They glance up at the clock and realize that they are running a few minutes late for something important or just something in general.Congressmen visit Wilson (LOC)Without even thinking they slowl y increase their speed, not worried about what kind of accident they could cause, but worried only about what they are missing by being late. Many times the reason an accident happens is because, due to their fast paced life style, people are drowsy, they are distracted, or their judgment is impaired.As a young adult you begin your training on automobile safety. Most start off at the age of 15, when you start drivers education (Wilson 1-2). In this class you begin to learn the basic laws, signs and situations you will come across and how to handle them. Before you can get your permit, you must take a test at the local Texas Department of Public Safety. Once you pass that test, you will start driving with an instructor after...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

American Express Swot Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Express Swot Analysis - Essay Example From there on the company focused on global expansion and gradually became popular for its financial products like the charge card. (â€Å"Our History†, 2009). In the present era American Express is one of the payments company with world wide presence and is also a well known brand in the financial world. The brand is built on the values such as trust, quality, security, integrity and superior customer services. (â€Å"Our History†, 2009). Since the year 1850 American Express as a company has followed and conducted their business operation based on several guidelines and value propositions. The company’s core value is customer commitment. The company focuses on gaining customer confidence through extensive relationship making programs. The primary and the main strength of the organization is their ability to diversify their operations also side by side generating revenues. As we look into the history of the firm we could observe that the company has strategically adapted several diversification policies which had made it possible for them to sustain in the market. The company started its operation as an express company is now among the top players in the financial market scenario. Product innovation wise also the company claims its advantage. The company launched its new holiday gift card which is unique in its name and design qualities celebrating Hispanic culture and providing gifts for Christmas Eve and the day itself, the New Years and also the three King’s Day. (â€Å"Celebrating Hispanic Culture with the Felicidades Holiday Gift Card†, 2009). This example does not only show the product variety and range that the company offers, but it also reveals the company’s focus on the large custome r base that it usually caters to. Time to time the company successfully delivers diversified products and services and expands its range with much authority in the global market.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Vision Statement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vision Statement - Research Paper Example I have been reading Charles Bukowski’s book and found that he has a different way of expressing himself. I have decided to explore his unique character by ensuring that I read one of his books every year. I love engaging in activities that assist me in acquiring new skills and helping others. I love travelling to new places and meeting new people as this activity opens up my mind to new things. Every year I ensure that I visit three new towns. I have always thought about travelling to the famous cities located in the different continents. In the next five years I will ensure that I travel to two countries in Europe and experience the environment and their different cultures (Heathfield). I also love challenges because at the end, I learn something new. Since elementary school, the ever changing business environment and its challenges intrigued me and it became apparent that I was comfortable in this field. In the business world, an individual must keep on learning new things and developing concepts that will help him or her wade through the murky business waters. This field suits me because I love reading and I view challenges as stepping stones towards achieving my goals. However, many people who engage in businesses are motivated by self-interests. Since I have always wanted to help people out, I have decided to take up a course that will encompass the different things I love to do and the fact my main goal in this career will be to assist others. I have figured out that the ultimate challenge would be managing a hospital. In five years I will ensure that I get a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Healthcare Management and a Project Management Professional Certification. This will assist me in helping out people, expanding my knowledge in the healthcare system and since I have never ventured into the healthcare field, the challenges that come therein will provide me with learning experiences

FINAL EXAM # 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FINAL EXAM # 3 - Assignment Example The Civil Rights Movement is said to be the basis of Black Power Movement and the Black movement started because the youth section of the black community believed that change through reform was very slow and revolt was the way to attain rapid change. Different theorists believe that there was no Black Power Movement and there only existed a Civil Rights Movement and the rest believe otherwise. Both the movements were quite different from each other but had certain similarities. The main difference between the two movements was that the Black Power Movement aimed at achieving the right for the blacks to determine their own future while the Civil Rights Movement promoted the goal of achieving integration of both the blacks and the whites. Second difference is that the Black Power Movement became a global movement for rights of the minorities and did not remain at the local level as in the case of Civil Rights Movement. The tool that was used to bring change through the Black Power Movement was revolution and in case of Civil Rights Movement the tool was reforms (Ezra 2009, 66). One of the most prominent differences between both the Movements was the Black Power one was violent in nature and the Civil Rights One was nonviolent. The main reason due to which both the movements started was to bring an end to the oppression that was being experienced by the blacks and due to this both the movements were led by black individuals. Both the movements even had the same aim of attaining an end to the discriminatory practices that were being carried out against the blacks (Joseph 2006, 48). The two main outcomes of the Civil Rights Movement was the enactment of the Civil Rights Act as well as the Voting Rights Act which were enacted within a difference of one year (Joseph 2006, 30 & 48). The Civil Rights Act helped the blacks in their struggle as that act restricted discrimination

MAKE A SCHOOL POLICY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MAKE A SCHOOL POLICY - Essay Example The school management carefully selected the uniform to contribute to the health and safety of students when involved in the school activities. 1.4 Among the standards based on by the management when making this decision included making sure that it meets the school’s expectations and standards of the entire school community. 1.5 The decision is consistent with both the work and health safety requirements by the government ministry. This includes anti-discrimination and equality opportunity legislation acts. Other government stipulated requirements are safety safe footwear and eye protection as well as hats. 1.6 The policy takes into account the diverse nature of the school’s student population bearing in mind the fact they come from various cultural setups. Other factors considered are personal, economic, social, and cultural factors influencing students and their families. It is important to remember that the school population carries students from different religious backgrounds and this was important when the school board reached the decision to implement the new school uniform policy unanimously. ... 2.2 The school reminds other stakeholders that each of them have roles in setting and implementing desired standards for the school in line with the institution’s vision and mission. Teachers and the subordinate staffs have a responsibility of modelling appropriate behaviour for students therefore; the management requires them to dress professionally. 2.3 Parents and students are required to desist from taking advantage of the government policy that stops the school management neither from expelling nor suspending students nor in uniform wrongly. This is because the school will take other punitive measures available both in the school rules and in government legislation to deal with both students and parents who fail or deliberately refuse to comply with the new school uniform policy. The school will take appropriate action against those who deliberately decide to do otherwise. 2.4 The school management also reiterates that it will not stop enrolling any student for lack of sc hool the required dress code. 2.5 The school policy puts into consideration that not all parents and guardians have equal or similar financial abilities. Therefore, the quality of the uniform is cost effective and economically affordable to all parents within the school. Furthermore, the school gives a window period of one term for parents, guardians and other sponsors to acquire the proper dress code for their children or beneficiaries. Arguments in support of the policy Introduction A school is primarily a learning environment. This means that anything that aids learning is acceptable and not anything that hinders is acceptable. Most of schools are advocating for school uniforms among their students. Education is a pillar of American society as well as the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment - Essay Example The country is vulnerable to various natural calamities that upset the people’s lives in the nation following calamities like floods, cyclone and landslides that affect the entire environment and human beings together with their livelihoods. The country’s location makes the nation vulnerable to natural calamities since three quarters of the nation and the Bay of Bengal make the nation the center of life-giving monsoon rains, making the nation prone to catastrophic destruction of natural disasters. The worst catastrophes in the globe tend to arise between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, a region which coincidentally contains the poor nations, which is the case with Bangladesh (Natural Disasters 94). Q.3 The fundamental reason is that the region contributes 3% of earth’s surface while it is population contributes to 47.9% of the world population moreover the region lacks deserts, permanent ice and other conservation landscapes; therefore the protection of enda ngered wildlife is less feasible in the region. The region also has high rate of deforestation compared to other regions of the world like sub-Saharan Africa and the heavy hunting in the region make it difficult to protect endangered wildlife. Moreover, the region faces the problematic issue of wildlife trade like the rest of the world; however certain factors make it especially problematic in region like the high economic growth and improvement of transport infrastructure that improve access to wildlife areas. Some of the endangered species include three species of Asian pangolins that include Malayan of Sunda pangolin, Indian pangolin and Palawan pangolin. Q.4 Between 40% and 60% of the population in South Asian cities do not have access to piped water moreover, nearly 60% of urban households lack sanitary facilities with 42.9% of urban population in the region living in slums. Slum dwellers in various countries in the region differ for instance in Bangladesh (69%), Nepal (69%) an d Pakistan (47%) reporting significant proportion of urban inhabitants living in slums. Q.5 Green revolution began in 1960’s and 70’s and involved the introduction of high yielding varieties of food products with the aim of increasing food production and promoting self-sufficiency. After the introduction of high yielding seeds for food crops there have been clear significant benefits like increased food production in developing nations. However, since the program began some farmers have recently begun disregarding the use of modified seeds and pesticides in favor of organic farming propelled by the rising cost of fertilizer and pesticides. Q.6 Various factors influence the decline of fertility in India like the government policy for reducing to 2.1 from the previous 5.1 in early 1970s. Other factors include rising levels of education and the rising levels of aspirations for well being in the society. Even though India has had family planning programs for a long period of time; however, the average fertility has declined slowly. The relative slow decline of fertility has led a built up of large population in India that will enter reproductive age in the near future thus, the country’ population growth will continue in next few decade despite the decline of f

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Final Exam - Essay Example Powerful and rich people in the society force the poor to adhere to social order and the weak to fulfill their own desires. An example to show how this happens may be illustrated in the perspective of crime management. According to conflict theorists, both the law and crime are products of power struggle. A few powerful groups like the police manipulate the legislative procedure, and forbid acts that intimidate their interests. For instance, regulations that forbid theft, trespassing, and vagrancy are believed to protect the rich from being attacked by the poor. Despite the fact that laws against actions like rape and murder seem not to be so obvious in a single social class’ interest, the powerless and the underprivileged are much more probable than the rich to be detained if they commit these kinds of crime. In addition, ethnic and class exploitation are basic roots of most of the crimes in societies. Failure of the powerful class to give legitimate opportunities to the poor is what results in high crime rates among the subject class. The criminal justice system demonstrates classism and racism, thus crime can only be wiped out only if exploitation and inequality are eliminated from the society. How lobbyists and PACS work Lobbyists direct their efforts basically at the national level, that is, to congress committees that regard administrative agencies and legislation that are mandated to write or enforce laws. They depend on individual relations with executive branch and Congress members who keep regular contact. They give evidence at committee hearings, offer data to the staff, and quite frequently, write the laws. On the other hand, Political Action Committees or simply PACs raise and issue money to political aspirants. They may be associated with prevailing interest groups like trade associations, though can exist independently. PACs do not often operate differently from interest groups, but rather finance campaigns of a larger lobby group. The act ivities lobbyists and PACs do not meet the needs of the middle and lower classes. It is not clear how their contributions really alter policies. Since the contributions by PACs go to the top officials, it has no direct impact to the common citizen. On the other hand, Lobbyists have busy schedules with little time assigned to consider the desires of the lower classes. Further, the influences made by these interest groups are mostly in favor of the executives, who belong to the upper class as compared to the interests of the middle and low classes. Most key politicians and corporations hire professional lobbyists with an aim to endorse their personal interests as intermediaries. This is of no benefit to the local citizen, who may have his interests but no one to represent him at the top ((Moen, McClain, & Walker 121). The story of Emmett Till Emmett’s visit to Money, Mississippi was a tragic one. He was a 14-year old African American boy who was brutality killed following the a llegations that he flirted with a white woman some few days earlier. His eyes were scraped out, his head shot, and his body thrown in a river. Till was brought up in a neighborhood full of working class people on the South part of Chicago. His mother had always warned him to be extremely careful wherever he went due to his race, but Till took it lightly. While at his uncle’s place, Till was accused of grapping a white woman and consequently murdered by the woman’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MAKE A SCHOOL POLICY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MAKE A SCHOOL POLICY - Essay Example The school management carefully selected the uniform to contribute to the health and safety of students when involved in the school activities. 1.4 Among the standards based on by the management when making this decision included making sure that it meets the school’s expectations and standards of the entire school community. 1.5 The decision is consistent with both the work and health safety requirements by the government ministry. This includes anti-discrimination and equality opportunity legislation acts. Other government stipulated requirements are safety safe footwear and eye protection as well as hats. 1.6 The policy takes into account the diverse nature of the school’s student population bearing in mind the fact they come from various cultural setups. Other factors considered are personal, economic, social, and cultural factors influencing students and their families. It is important to remember that the school population carries students from different religious backgrounds and this was important when the school board reached the decision to implement the new school uniform policy unanimously. ... 2.2 The school reminds other stakeholders that each of them have roles in setting and implementing desired standards for the school in line with the institution’s vision and mission. Teachers and the subordinate staffs have a responsibility of modelling appropriate behaviour for students therefore; the management requires them to dress professionally. 2.3 Parents and students are required to desist from taking advantage of the government policy that stops the school management neither from expelling nor suspending students nor in uniform wrongly. This is because the school will take other punitive measures available both in the school rules and in government legislation to deal with both students and parents who fail or deliberately refuse to comply with the new school uniform policy. The school will take appropriate action against those who deliberately decide to do otherwise. 2.4 The school management also reiterates that it will not stop enrolling any student for lack of sc hool the required dress code. 2.5 The school policy puts into consideration that not all parents and guardians have equal or similar financial abilities. Therefore, the quality of the uniform is cost effective and economically affordable to all parents within the school. Furthermore, the school gives a window period of one term for parents, guardians and other sponsors to acquire the proper dress code for their children or beneficiaries. Arguments in support of the policy Introduction A school is primarily a learning environment. This means that anything that aids learning is acceptable and not anything that hinders is acceptable. Most of schools are advocating for school uniforms among their students. Education is a pillar of American society as well as the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Final Exam - Essay Example Powerful and rich people in the society force the poor to adhere to social order and the weak to fulfill their own desires. An example to show how this happens may be illustrated in the perspective of crime management. According to conflict theorists, both the law and crime are products of power struggle. A few powerful groups like the police manipulate the legislative procedure, and forbid acts that intimidate their interests. For instance, regulations that forbid theft, trespassing, and vagrancy are believed to protect the rich from being attacked by the poor. Despite the fact that laws against actions like rape and murder seem not to be so obvious in a single social class’ interest, the powerless and the underprivileged are much more probable than the rich to be detained if they commit these kinds of crime. In addition, ethnic and class exploitation are basic roots of most of the crimes in societies. Failure of the powerful class to give legitimate opportunities to the poor is what results in high crime rates among the subject class. The criminal justice system demonstrates classism and racism, thus crime can only be wiped out only if exploitation and inequality are eliminated from the society. How lobbyists and PACS work Lobbyists direct their efforts basically at the national level, that is, to congress committees that regard administrative agencies and legislation that are mandated to write or enforce laws. They depend on individual relations with executive branch and Congress members who keep regular contact. They give evidence at committee hearings, offer data to the staff, and quite frequently, write the laws. On the other hand, Political Action Committees or simply PACs raise and issue money to political aspirants. They may be associated with prevailing interest groups like trade associations, though can exist independently. PACs do not often operate differently from interest groups, but rather finance campaigns of a larger lobby group. The act ivities lobbyists and PACs do not meet the needs of the middle and lower classes. It is not clear how their contributions really alter policies. Since the contributions by PACs go to the top officials, it has no direct impact to the common citizen. On the other hand, Lobbyists have busy schedules with little time assigned to consider the desires of the lower classes. Further, the influences made by these interest groups are mostly in favor of the executives, who belong to the upper class as compared to the interests of the middle and low classes. Most key politicians and corporations hire professional lobbyists with an aim to endorse their personal interests as intermediaries. This is of no benefit to the local citizen, who may have his interests but no one to represent him at the top ((Moen, McClain, & Walker 121). The story of Emmett Till Emmett’s visit to Money, Mississippi was a tragic one. He was a 14-year old African American boy who was brutality killed following the a llegations that he flirted with a white woman some few days earlier. His eyes were scraped out, his head shot, and his body thrown in a river. Till was brought up in a neighborhood full of working class people on the South part of Chicago. His mother had always warned him to be extremely careful wherever he went due to his race, but Till took it lightly. While at his uncle’s place, Till was accused of grapping a white woman and consequently murdered by the woman’

A Covenant in Biblical and Legal Terms Essay Example for Free

A Covenant in Biblical and Legal Terms Essay The goal of this particular essay is to explain the various covenants in which the Bible mentions. This paper shall compare the Biblical covenants with the legal covenants. DEFINITION: Before the author of this paper can move forward one must first define what a covenant is. According to it tells us this is merely a written promise/agreement between two or more parties. However, when referring to the Bible it is then personal because it is a promise between mankind and God. However, there is another way of explaining the definition of a covenant according to ( Covenanting, a keyword in the ecumenical process of mutual commitment for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, is also a keyword in the biblical tradition. So central a place does it occupy that Christians use the titles Old Testament (sc.Covenant) and New Testament (sc. Covenant) as summaries of the contents of the Hebrew Bible and the testimonies of the first Christian community. COVENANTS WITHIN THE BIBLE The bible informs us of the many which appears to be eight. The Bible also shows examples whereas God makes these covenants not only with mankind but also individuals. These A COVENANT IN BIBLICAL AND LEGAL TERMS Covenants are also broken down into two different descriptions one being called a conditional covenant and the other being called an unconditional covenant. TWO DESCIRPTIONS OF COVENANTS: 1. Conditional covenant are the ones in which Gods promises He will always stand with man but man must also do his part and fulfill His laws and command which had already been established. 2. Unconditional covenants are basically showing Gods promises are granted and it does not matter what man will or will not do. The Bible informs us of eight covenants; with the first covenant being called one Endemic covenant also a conditional covenant given unto Adam and Eve by God who had to give them everything they would need in order to survive (Genesis 2:16-17). God did provide them with certain conditions for they had to obey His every command and if they did not then there would be consequences and curses would fall upon them as well as their future generations to come. Because of their downfall the second covenant which had come about is known as the Adamic covenant (Genesis3:16-19) and this one was considered to be an unconditional covenant because of mans fall and what mankinds life will not be like because of sin. The third covenant in the Bible would be another unconditional covenant known as the Noahic Covenant (Genesis 9:1-18). This particular covenant tells us how God still reveals what His purpose is for mankind through Noah. Not only this but also the prophecy of Noahs children in which sh owing the Messiah would come and the symbol/seal of this covenant was a rainbow. The fourth was the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis chapters 12, 13, 15, 17, 26 28) for this is also an unconditional covenant because of the circumcision being the sign. In this God does have an agreement with? A COVENANT IN BIBLICAL AND LEGAL TERMS Abraham He would keep His Word. By this I mean within the Bible we see how God promised Abraham many blessings, posterity, a great nation as well as land. This covenant was basically to show mankind throughout all generations to come everyone could still have the promised of God but that each individual must obey His Word. The fifth Mosaic Covenant located in the Book of Exodus (19:4-6) is to be considered a conditional covenant. For this particular covenant was given into Moses from God so he (Moses) could have or rather established a relationship with the people of Israel and God. This was an essay covenant to follow for all God wants is actually simple to keep the Sabbath holy. The sixth covenant known as the Deuteronomic Covenant (Deuteronomy 30:1-10) is unconditional as well as conditional: unconditional with regards to the fulfillment of Gods command; conditional because throughout every generation someone will use the covenant and obey God. Although Israel is consistently shown or rather mentioned through the Bible it is also a way to show mankind how everyone will eventually see the return of even Israel back to the land (Earth).The seventh covenant known as Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel chapter 7) is a covenant of promise made from God to David everyone is guaranteed an everlasting throne. And the covenant which is the eight covenants is known as New Covenant (Jeremiah 31) and was established because God had promised a new covenant to the descendants of the ones whom He had originally given the Old Law Covenants and this new covenant was for Israel. But in general it also is basically to be set forth with established Laws for the entire universe. A COVENANT IN BIBLICAL AND LEGAL TERMS LEGAL COVENANT LAWS Throughout the Bible all of Gods Laws were legal in my eyes. For although the prophets were given the Biblical Covenants it was then beginning with Adam and Eve that legal covenants had already been established as well. The legal covenant is the basis for all of mankind to be able to repair what damage has been done prior to his or her entry into this world by this I mean one needs to recognize how powerful Satan and his deceptions can become but hold and keep God closer than ever before to their hearts. This will allow everyone to have a place with God and everlasting peace. In the Book of Hebrews it tells of how the laws were set aside (7:18; 10:9) offering everyone hope, and how we start with our Faith.† God has given up His only son for everyones sins in order for all concerned to inherit the eternal kingdom of Heaven. Laws are also transformed in the way we apply them to become a part of our daily walk with God. For God also showed mankind how for every reaction there are consequences one will and must face. In other words if you break the law and Gods law you will be punished. According to God’s covenantal judgment upon Christ at the cross opened the way of salvation so that the human race (not every individual man, but the majority, the world) has been saved from God’s everlasting wrath. Also according to (Catholic Biblical Quarterly; Apr2008, Vol. 70 Issue 2, p223-243, 21p) the long-standing traditional view is that the legal material of the Pentateuch presents the law that was authoritative and in force in ancient Israel and Judah. This material is believed to have contained the rules by which the society and the legal system operate.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Removal of TBP From Aqueous Phase

Removal of TBP From Aqueous Phase ABSTRACT PUREX process involves the use of 30% TBP in Dodecane to extract the fissile materials. However, due to mutual solubility some amount of TBP gets transferred into the aqueous phase. This transferred TBP leads to many environmental problems. Removal of this TBP from aqueous phase is of prime concern which can be done by contacting it with an organic diluent. UNIFAC and Uniquac methods have been used to describe Liquid Liquid equilibrium (LLE) in TBP-Diluent-HNO3 system. Uniquac and UNIFAC Group interaction parameters have been founded to fit the experimental data. Various metal nitrates are also present in the organic phase. These metal nitrates affect the solubility of TBP in aqueous phase. Metal nitrates like Sodium and Calcium nitrate have also been incorporated in model to find out interaction parameters in the presence of metal nitrates like Sodium and Calcium. The obtained parameters will be useful in predicting LLE for the above system and will aid in safe disposal of nuclear w aste. INTRODUCTION Reprocessing of the used nuclear fuel has always been carried out to reduce the volume of high level radioactive waste and also for their safe disposal. The plutonium uranium extraction (PUREX) process is widely used for reprocessing. This process uses 30% Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) in an inert paraffinic diluent for the separation of uranium and plutonium from the aqueous phase containing nitric acid. Mutual solubility of aqueous and the organic phase leads to the transfer of certain finite amount of TBP in aqueous phase. This transferred TBP decomposes very slowly in the presence of water and nitric acid by hydrolysis to lower organo-phosphate acids at normal operating temperatures leading to many environmental problems. Removal of such dissolved TBP is of direct interest in reprocessing processes as this would enable manifold evaporation of aqueous stream without harming the environment. Various metal elements are also present in the highly radioactive liquid waste solution in ni trate form. The salting out of TBP takes place in the presence of these inorganic nitrates in the aqueous phase. Studies in the presence of various metal nitrates will aid in efficient removal of TBP from aqueous phase. In order to predict the extent to which TBP could be removed from aqueous phase, a model must be developed to predict the phase behaviour. Such models can be used for designing remediation projects. Estimation of activity coefficients of the mixtures is important for predicting the phase behaviour In order to predict the extent of mass transfer, chemical compositions of the two-phase system at equilibrium needs be predicted first. Investigators have used various models to predict the LLE. Cheng et al. have calculated the thermodynamic equilibrium constant for the system HNO3-TBP-n-C7H16.The activity coefficient of nitric acid was calculated using Pitzer’s equation and those of the components in organic phase was derived from experimental data. Ding et al. have calculated the activity coefficient for 20 binary and 7 ternary systems composed of nC6H14, nC7H16, nC8H18, C6H6, cy-C6H6, CCl4, CHCl3, (C4H9)3PO4 and UO2(NO3)2.2((C4H9)3PO4) using head-space gas chromatography. The results are compared with Scatchard-Hilderbald, NRTL and UNIQUAC models. Li et al. has calculated the Vapor-Liquid and Vapor-Liquid-Liquid equilibria of 19 tributyl phosphate systems. Aqueous phase activity coefficients are calculated using Pitzer’s equation. UNIFAC method is used for correlating and predicting the data in organic phase. All the above authors have done work on the systems in the absence of metal nitrates. Intera ction parameters for systems in the presence of metal nitrates have not been reported yet. The objective of the present work to find the UNIFAC and Uniquac group interaction parameters regressed for the experimental data for three systems. These systems comprise of TBP-diluent-HNO3, TBP-diluent-HNO3-NaNO3, TBP-diluent-HNO3-Ca(NO3)2. These parameters will aid in predicting the equilibrium and calculating the number of stages for designing the equipment to remove dissolved TBP. LIQUID LIQUID EXTRACTION EQUILIBRIA The organic phase consists of (1) diluent (NPH), (2) TBP, (3) TBP.HNO3 The dissolution of TBP in NPH and HNO3 can be represented by eq 1and eq 2. xTBPorg (TBP)x org(1) TBPorg + H+aq + NO3-aq HNO3.TBPorg (2) where the subscripts aq and org denote the species in the aqueous and organic phase. The thermodynamic equilibrium constant for reaction (2) can be calculated as a HNO3.TBP(org) a 3 (3) K == a H+(aq) a NO3-(aq) a TBP(org)a2 ±HNO3 a 2 x3 ÃŽ ³3 K = (4) m ±2 ÃŽ ³Ã‚ ±2 x2 ÃŽ ³2 where a is the thermodynamic activity, x is the mole fraction of the component in the organic phase and ÃŽ ³ is the corresponding activity coefficient. m ± is the mean molality concentration of electrolyte in the aqueous phase and ÃŽ ³Ã‚ ± is the mean ionic activity coefficient of corresponding electrolytes. Similar procedure as described by Chen et al has been used to predict the LLE with one extraction reaction. Mean ionic activity coefficient of electrolytes Pitzer equation is used to calculate the mean ionic coefficient of HNO3 in all the cases and of Ca(NO3)2, NaNO3 in the presence of metal nitrates. lnÃŽ ³Ã‚ ± = Aà Ã‚ ¤+ m (5) where b=1.2, ÃŽ ±=2, AÉ ¸ = 0.391. I is the ionic strength of solution. The Pitzer parameters for HNO3, NaNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 are listed in Table 1. Activity Coefficients of components in organic phase can be estimated using UNIFAC and Uniquac equation. UNIFAC EQUATION In a multi-component mixture, the UNIFAC equation for the activity coefficient of component i is given by Equation 3.1. ln ÃŽ ³i = ln ÃŽ ³iC +ln ÃŽ ³iR (6) The combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model considers the shape and the size of the molecules in the mixture. ln ÃŽ ³iC = 1 – Ji + ln Ji – 5qi( ln (É ¸i /ÃŽËœi )+ 1 – (É ¸i /ÃŽËœi ) ) (7) where, Ji = ( É ¸i /xi) The molecule volume fraction É ¸i , and the molecule surface area fraction ÃŽËœi , are given by respectively, É ¸i = xi*ri/∑j xj*rj and ÃŽËœi = xi*qi/∑j xj*qj (8) In Equations (3.3), relative molecular volume rs, and relative molecule surface area q, are given by ri = ∑k ÃŽ ½k(i)* Rk and qi = ∑k ÃŽ ½k(i)* Qk (9) The quantity vk is the number of subgroups of type k in a molecule of species i. ri is the relative molecular volume and qi is the relative molecular surface area. Group parameters Rk and Qk are reported by Fredenslund et al. The residual part of the activity coefficient is given by Equation 10. ln ÃŽ ³iR = ∑k ÃŽ ½k(i )[ ln à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k – ln à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k(i) ] (10) where, k denotes each group in the mixture ÃŽ ½k(i ) is the number of groups of type k in molecule i à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k is the group residual activity coefficient à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k(i) is the residual activity coefficient of group k in a reference solution containing only molecules of type i. The group residual activity coefficient is found by Equation 11. ln à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k = Qk [ 1- ln(∑m ÃŽËœm ψmk) ∑m (ÃŽËœm ψkm /∑n ÃŽËœn ψnm ) ] (11) where, Qk is a group surface area parameter ÃŽËœm is the area fraction of group m ψmn is the group energy of interaction parameter ψmn = exp(-amn + bmn/T) (12) Where, amn and bmn is the group-interaction parameter. T is the temperature Group assignment as proposed by Chen et al. has been followed. C7H16, TBP and TBP.HNO3 has been broken down into groups CH3, CH2, (CH2O)3PO, HNO3.(CH2O)3PO. Group volume and surface parameters for above groups have been reported by Cheng et al. The UNIQUAC model thus consists of two terms: a combinatorial or entropic term, a residual or enthalpic term. The combinatorial and the residual terms are identical to the terms used in the traditional UNIQUAC equation. The combinatorial, entropic term is ln ÃŽ ³iC = ln(É ¸i/xi) +1 (É ¸i/xi) – (z/2)*qi [ ln(É ¸i/ÃŽËœi) + 1- (É ¸i/ÃŽËœi) ] (13) z = 10 is the co-ordination number. xi is the mole fraction, É ¸i is the volume fraction, ÃŽËœi and is the surface area fraction of component i. É ¸i = xi*ri/∑j xj*rj and ÃŽËœi = xi*qi/∑j xj*qj (14) ri and qi are volume and surface area parameters for component i. The residual, enthalpic term is ln ÃŽ ³iR = qi [ 1 – ln( ∑k ÃŽËœkψki) ∑k ÃŽËœkψik/(∑l ÃŽËœlψlk) (15) The parameter ψki is given by ψki = exp(-uki-uii/T) (16) uki and uii are interaction energy parameters. Uniquac r and q parameters for C7H16, TBP and TBP.HNO3 have been reported by Li et al. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION EQUILIBRIUM PREDICTION. The following equations can be used to predict equilibrium x1 + x2 + x3 = 1 (17) x20 = (x2 + x3)/( x1 + x2 + x3) (18) x3 ÃŽ ³3 K = (19) m ±2 ÃŽ ³Ã‚ ±2 x2 ÃŽ ³2 ÃŽ ³2 and ÃŽ ³3 values have been calculated using UNIFAC and Uniquac equation. Knowing equilibrium constant K, m ± calculated mole fractions can be found out., The group interaction parameters are regressed by Least Square Technique to minimize the error between experimental and calculated mole fraction values. The obtained regressed group interaction values in the absence of metal nitrates, in the presence of NaNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 using Uniquac and UNIFAC have been listed in Table. The standard absolute deviation of components in the organic phase is listed in table. The experimental and calculated values of mole fractions have been reported graphically in fig CONCLUSION The experimental mole fraction data were correlated using UNIFAC and Uniquac model. The Uniquac and UNIFAC group interaction parameters are capable of predicting mole fraction for TBP-Diluent-HNO3 in the absence and presence of metal nitrates. Thus these can be effectively used to predict the equilibrium for the removal of dissolved TBP in Nuclear engineering. UNIFAC gives a better prediction as compared to Uniquac in all the cases LIST OF TABLES Pitzer parameters for calculation of mean ionic activity coefficient Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates Unifac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of Sodium metal nitrate Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of sodium nitrate Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of calcium metal nitrate Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of calcium nitrate Standard absolute deviations between predicted and experimental mole fraction of extracted complexes Table 1. Pitzer parameters for calculation of mean ionic activity coefficient Components ÃŽ ²o ÃŽ ²o HNO3 0.1119 0.3206 0.001 NaNO3 0.0068 0.1783 -0.0007 Ca(NO3) 0.2108 1.409 -0.02014 Table 2. Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates a (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 2.05741 0.679624 TBP -3.04549 0 -1.1645 HNO3.TBP -1.03328 1.143979 0 b (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 1.007842 0.999125 TBP 0.983532 0 1.095824 HNO3.TBP 0.993173 1.019649 0 Table 3. Unifac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates a (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 2.56180892 -48.1996 CH3 0 0 2.56180892 -48.1996 (CH2O)3PO -5.15816 -5.15816 0 -6.13375 HNO3(CH2O)3PO -2.57271 -2.57271 34.781685 0 b (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 0.997309 1.126187 CH3 0 0 0.997309 1.126187 (CH2O)3PO 1.016819 1.016819 0 1.131422 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 1.015345 1.015345 0.890301 0 Table 4. Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of Sodium metal nitrate a (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 -1.82623 6.863001 TBP 0.87821 0 0.552002 HNO3.TBP 1.380676 2.272663 0 b (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 0.990771 1.019671 TBP 0.999592 0 0.998537 HNO3.TBP 1.001281 1.004269 0 Table 5. Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of sodium nitrate a (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 0.742770 -0.6378 CH3 0 0 0.742770 -0.6378 (CH2O)3PO 1.096426 1.096426 0 -0.373895 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 0.748111 0.748111 -0.20966206 0 b (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 1.000835 1.005434 CH3 0 0 1.000833 1.005434 (CH2O)3PO 0.99968 0.999688 0 1.004477 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 1.000817 1.000818 1.003927 0 Table 6. Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of Calcium metal nitrate a (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 0.3249 -0.4026 TBP 0.95221 0 -1.40706 HNO3.TBP 1.168545 1.39797 0 b (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 0.997878 0.99529 TBP 0.999836 0 0.99200 HNO3.TBP 1.00058 1.000138 0 Table 7. Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of calcium nitrate a (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 5.9429 2.14979 CH3 0 0 5.9429 2.14979 (CH2O)3PO 2.6932 2.6932 0 -2.59369 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 3.8889 3.8889 3.8740 0 b (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 0.9839 0.99622 CH3 0 0 0.9839 0.99622 (CH2O)3PO 0.99447 0.99447 0 1.011186 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 0.990612 0.990612 0.990633 0 Table 8. Standard absolute deviations between predicted and experimental mole fraction of extracted complexes. System Δ x (Uniquac) Δ x (Unifac) HNO3/TBP/Diluent 0.016 0.0051 HNO3/TBP/Diluent/NaNO3 0.0435 0.0429 HNO3/TBP/Diluent/Ca(NO3)2 0.015 0.0051

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Torture Techniques Essay -- Essays Papers

Torture Techniques Throughout every period in history, people in society have been driven by panic and hysteria to use their faith in God as a reason to accuse, torture, and murder countless innocent people. Events in this cycle of inhumanity account for some of the darkest stains in human history. All forms of torture and punishment served as the primary means of forcing accused, inocent individuals to confess their involvement in the alleged occurrences and to reveal the names of accomplices. Throughout history, various forms of spiritual rituals, public humiliation, and pain induction, have been used to extract these false confessions from innocent individuals. Accused heretics could be punished through spiritual purification rituals performed by the church. After being accused of being a heretic, the church considered the body and soul of that individual to be corrupted, filthy, and possessed by the deviled. Because of this, the accused would have to undergo a harsh cleansing of the body and soul. The body would be washed with fire, boiling water, and rags made from harsh material. To cleanse the soul of the individual, he or she would be forced to swallow substances meant to eliminate evil spirits. The church accomplished this by forcing the accused to swallow scalding water, fire brands, coals, and soaps. This ritual evolved into the present day concept of washing the mouth out with soap.1 Severe public humiliation was another method of extracting confessions out of accused individuals. The most common and recognizable form of public humiliation was the stocks or pillories. With the head and hands fixed in the stocks, the accused was put on display for the entire village to jest, insult, and throw things at. Many ... ... (28 February 1999) - Michael Norton, "Townsfolk Kill Five People of Witchcraft," Associated Press, 23 January 1996. Bibliography - Dispelling Witches. Directed by Marnie Villari, 50 min. A&E Networks, 1993. Videocassette. - Malbrough, Ray. Charms Spells and Formulas. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1996. - Norton, Michael. "Townsfolk Kill Five People of Witchcraft," Associated Press, 23 January 1996. - Powell, Shantell. "Punishment, Torture, and Ordeal," The Witching Hours, 25 October 1998. (28 February 1999). - Torture and death penalty instruments from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Era, (3 March 1999).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Music in the Age of Romanticism :: Arts

Music in the Age of Romanticism In the 19th century the world experienced many dramatic changes related to politics, economics and culture. Music would never be the same after this period. During these years musicians, influenced by the Romantic movement in literature, neglected the formalism and aims of Classicism (Bohle p1861), and developed Musical Romanticism as a way to express their feelings free of traditional musical structures. The term "Romanticism represents the period of the apparent domination of the instinct over reason, of imagination over form, heart over head" (Sadie p141). The Romantic movement was foreshadowed by Bach, but Beethoven was the one who brought it into being in early 19th century (Bohle p 1862). Music in this period was characterized by personal and individual style with more subjectivity. (Miller p197). During this period composers tried to express themselves freely. There were notable extremes and contrasts in their styles of composition. For instance, their preferred media were piano accompaniment, operas and symphony orchestra. In the same way, their music was composed for two kinds of audiences: one in the big concert halls, and an other in intimate salon; and the length of the compositions extended from short pieces to big symphonies. Also the dynamic of the music was very variable using loud and soft levels. In addition, musicians developed a nationalist style using folklore as subject for operas, sometimes borrowing folklore from other countries (Miller, 1973 p134-135). Among the major composers of this period are: Beethoven, Von Weber, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, Rachmaninoff and others. Even though Romanticism and Classicism are classified as opposites they are deeply related. Even in Classicism's excessive use of structures and formalisms, composers of this period also expressed their feelings through music. On the other hand, Romantic composers had to use some basic structures from Classicism needed to write music. However, the Romantic era was a period in music when musicians had more freedom to use different forms to compose music expressing their individualism and nationalism.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The simultaneous leadership in social science

Understanding the scope of drug use and addiction in the world includes knowing the prevalence among various populations and researching the many health and social consequences. The United States is both the largest producer of drug research in the world and the world’s only â€Å"drug-control superpower.†The simultaneous leadership in social science and world agenda setting is not the result of a symbiotic relationship between American research and policy making.During adolescence, friends and peers become far more influential than before, and intimate dating relationships become primary interests (Laursen & Williams, 1997).Along with these important developmental changes, however, come increased risks of pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and abuse by and toward dating partners (Leaper & Anderson, 1997).As well, alcohol and drug use and abuse enters the picture, which may contribute to the occurrence of the other risk behaviors (Milgram, 1993; National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1999). Although some of these developments are harmless, there is a growing awareness of the importance of education and prevention to increase teens' personal safety and responsibility.Not surprisingly, prominent adolescent risk behaviors are alcohol and drug abuse, unsafe sexual behavior, and dating violence-share many of the same contributing risk factors, although to important and differing degrees.These include problems related to the family, such as family conflict and violence, poor relationship attachment, early and persistent behavior problems, as well as peer and academic problems, such as school failure, peer rejection, and exposure to community violence. In addition to the above, teen pregnancy, early sexual intercourse, and risky sexual behaviors are associated with early onset of puberty, truancy, and delinquency (Kilpatrick, Acierno, Saunders, Resnick, & Best, 2000).In the absence of compensatory factors, such as education and social co mpetence, these varied risk factors can contribute to or become risk behaviors (e.g., alcohol use is associated with teen pregnancy and violence).Common Elements:A common family element found among teens who engage in these high risk behaviors is the amount of time spent without proper adult involvement or supervision (Dishion, Capaldi, Spracklen, & Li, 2005).Not surprisingly, children who grow up in caring and supportive homes are more likely to resist risky behaviors, while children who have grown up witnessing or experiencing alcohol abuse or violence in their homes, having poor family structure and insecure attachment-related experiences are more likely to be less resistant to these same risky, unhealthy behaviors.A description of the age, gender, and ethnic identities of youth who engage in high risk behavior is provided by the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, which tracks data regarding many health risk behaviors for adolescents in the United States.According to this data, bl ack youth, for example, report significantly higher rates of sexual intercourse before age 13 than do Whites and Hispanics, while White youth report the highest levels of forced sexual intercourse. Black youth also report less alcohol consumption at last sexual intercourse and higher condom use than do White and Hispanic youth.Not surprisingly, males report more alcohol use before the age of 13 than females, across all ethnic groups (YRBSS). However, these data on prevalence of self-reported adolescent risk behaviors is descriptive only, and tells little about the contextual factors contributing to such risk.While looking closer at some of the factors that may contribute to the mentioned risk behaviors, the one can see that alcohol use among teenagers remains prevalent in today's society. A national probability sample of 4,023 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 found that 15% of the sample used alcohol, 10% used marijuana, and 2% reported hard drug use in the past year (Kilpa trick et al. 2000).Although some alcohol consumption among adolescents is considered normative, there is great concern for the number of teens who are exhibiting signs of alcohol abuse or dependence with 7% of the above sample meeting diagnostic criteria for alcohol, marijuana, or hard drug abuse or dependence.Trends in alcohol use reported in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey indicate that binge drinking (five or more drinks on one occasion during the 30 days prior to the survey) has shown little variation over the past several years, ranging from 31.3% in 1991 to 33.4% in 1997 to 31.5% in 1999 (Centers for Disease Control, 2000). Binge drinking continues to be a problem among youth and needs to be targeted specifically.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Impulsive Buying Essay

Impulsive consumer behavior is widely recognized nowadays. Impulse buying accounts for almost 80% of purchases in some product categories and shopping is a major leisure and lifestyle activity in many countries (Kacen & Lee 2002). Impulsive buying generates over $4 billion of annual sales in the United States. Impulsive consumer buying behavior is regarded as a hedonically complex purchase behavior in which the thoughtful, deliberate consideration of all information and choice alternatives is precluded. It has been suggested that purchases of new products result more and more from impulsive buying rather than planned purchases. Furthermore, the globalization in the expression of technologies, telemarketing and the internet increases the consumer impulsive buying opportunities. Impulse buying is a pervasive and distinctive aspect of the consumer’s lifestyle and is also a focal point for considerable marketing management activity. A study conducted some decades ago found that between 27 and 62 percent of consumer’s department store purchases fell into the impulse category. Also the century we live in and the marketing innovations such as credit cards, ‘instant credit’, 24-hour retailing, telemarketing and online shopping make it now easier than ever for the consumers to purchase things on impulse. The attempts by researchers to find a clear definition of a phenomenon that cannot be solely described as unplanned behavior and the opportunity to examine the factors that intervene in its expression was the motivation for this thesis. Furthermore, the history of associating impulsiveness with human weakness and the psychologists and economists’ focus on the ‘irrational’ aspects of such behavior sparks the interest into the topic and uncovers the potential for further research in the field. It is also interesting that the factors that are linked to impulsive buying are also likely to be influenced by culture. Theoretical Framework The understanding of the concept was greatly improved by Stern (1962). Pure impulse purchasing occurs when consumers experience truly impulsive buying, the novelty or escape purchase which breaks a normal buying pattern. His conceptualization was based on the premise that impulsive buying can be pure, planned, reminder and suggestion, and is linked to consumer’s exposure to stimulus. Kollat and Willet (1969) interchangeably used â€Å"unplanned† and â€Å"impulsive† purchasing. Rook and Hoch (1985) focused attention on the cognitive and emotional aspect of consumer’s involvement in impulsive purchasing. The construction of the phenomenon’s definition was resting on consumers’ descriptions of thoughts and emotions experienced during impulse purchasing situations. They came up with 5 distinctive elements that draw the difference between impulsive and planned purchases: (1) feeling a â€Å"sudden and spontaneous desire to act†; (2) being in a â€Å"state of psychological disequilibrium†; (3) experiencing a â€Å"psychological conflict and struggle†; (4) reducing â€Å"cognitive evaluation†; (5) consuming â€Å"without regard for the consequences†. Summarizing the five dimensions, Rook (1987) identified impulsive purchasing as a â€Å"sudden, often powerful and persistent urge to buy something immediately. It is a hedonically complex and emotionally conflicting behavior which is prone to occur with diminished regard for its consequences.† As it can be seen, a shift in the elements comprising the definitions can be observed. Piron (1991) offers a new definition as an answer to his critique of the previous attempt for definition: impulse purchasing is (1) unplanned, (2) the result of an exposure to a stimulus, (3) decided â€Å"on the spot†. Kacen and Lee (2002) define the concept as â€Å"unplanned purchase† that is characterized by (1) relatively rapid decision-making, and (2) a subjective bias in favor of immediate possession. They further contributed with their work by investigating how cultural factors affect impulsive buying which gains better insights about understanding the phenomenon. The authors’ research makes a contribution in recognizing that understanding impulse buying solely on a Western point of view is incomplete. The Western-individualist emphasis on the self, individual needs and desires, and hedonistic pleasures encourages impulsive buying behavior. The Eastern-collectivist notions of the self, the interdependence, emotional control, emphasis on group needs and desires would discourage impulsive buying. Emotions Emotions being the main driver of impulsive buying behavior have been the subject of debates in terms of terminology. Scientists use the term affect as a general category that encompasses emotions, moods and attitudes. The mental state of readiness that arises from cognitive appraisals of events or thoughts is what characterizes emotions. The line between emotions and mood is difficult to be drawn. It is often said that mood is longer lasting and lower in intensity than an emotion. Other researches add to this that emotions are typically intentional while mood is generally non-intentional and global. Attitudes are often considered instances of affect. Some authors define them as evaluative judgments rather than emotional states. Others make no distinction between evaluative judgments and affect. Still others propose that attitudes have two components: cognitive and affective dimensions. To sum up, the terms emotions, affect, attitudes, moods are all used inconsistently in the literat ure. Rather than focusing on exploring the definitions of impulsive buying behavior, the contribution of this thesis will be to examine the emotional arousal behind the phenomenon and factors moderating people’s inclination to such a type of behavior. This will include interpersonal influence and the presence or lack of self-control. Early research concluded that susceptibility to interpersonal influence is a general trait that varies across persons and occurrences. Further, susceptibility to influence by others is related to personal characteristics. Cox and Bauer (1964) pointed out that people with low self-esteem comply with others’ suggestions in order to avoid social disapproval. Berkowitz & Lundy (1957) also found out that persons who score low in interpersonal confidence ratings are most susceptible to peer influence. Problem statement and research goal Previous research has numerous attempts for giving a clear definition of impulsive buying but somehow the definitions capture different aspects of the phenomenon and fail to address a complete and exact definition. Much of the work on impulsive buying inherently implies negative attributes to the concept. However, once consumers buy products for fun, fantasy, social or emotional gratification, impulsive buying may be viewed as a valued pastime rather than a simple acquisition of goods (Hausman, 2000). Researchers have shown that many factors influence impulsive buying such as consumer’s mood, trait buying impulsiveness, demographic factors, and culture. This study aims at discussing emotions, interpersonal influence and self-control as factors expected t have a substantial influence on consumer’s impulsive purchases. Feelings do predict behavior. So if you are feeling hurt, threatened or bored, what are you likely to do? What about if you are happy or interested? Would you go to the movies, go out with friends or go shopping? What about buying things not intended? To assess how well people control their impulses, regulate emotions, manage performances, maintain self-discipline, and break out of bad habits, is a difficult task. The consumption experience is replete with emotion, often of a high degree of intensity. What has been overlooked is the social aspect of emotions, while most of the research done is concerned with the individual conceptualization of emotions. Emotions are not simply internal events but are communicative acts and are also addressed in the consumption environment of an individual (Parkinson 1996, Bearden 1989). A matter of discussion is how the emotional state of an individual influences his impulsive buying behavior. Whether positive or negative emotions, the two extremes of the emotional state, have a stronger effect has been a matter of debate for a long time among researchers and is still argued. Furthermore, does shopping with others have an impact on impulsive purchases (Luo 2005)? If emotions are social and are expressed in a stronger way when being with a friend or family member, then it can be expected that the tendency to indulge in impulsive purchases will increase. However, another factor also plays a major role in the buyer behavior – self-control. Every individual has a different ability for self-control and self-control failure may be the reason for impulsive purchasing. Can we control our behavior and emotions when we are depressed or when we are happy? Will the presence or lack of self-control evolve into impulsive purchases? The main problem investigated is: * How does the emotional state (positive VS negative emotions) influence impulsive buying behavior? Statement of the Hypothesis H1: More positive emotional state (strong positive emotions and weak negative emotions) can lead to higher impulsive buying behavior. Since emotional experience is taken to be mainly private, emotion communication is seen to depend on prior account on individual emotions. Often, a person’s relationships with others are a central concern of emotions. Given the obvious importance of interpersonal relations that cause emotions, it might seem surprising that psychological research has focused mainly on non-social manipulations in which a single individual is presented with his/her emotional range. Many of the things that get people emotional about relate to other people (Parkinson, 1996). Emotions can feed into the ongoing interpersonal process and cause similar or contrasting emotions in others. H2: The presence of others at the time of purchase has a positive effect on impulsive buying behavior. Shoppers could be often heard to say â€Å"I really shouldn’t†. The prices are high, the budget is tight, and an item is not desperately needed so it seems that a reasonable behavior for the buyer would be not to purchase the item. But there come the alliance of wants, impulses and emotions that all serve to convince the shopper that the item will bring happiness, at least for a while. Thus, the decision in this situation is dependable on the conflict between strengths of self-control and desire. Self-control refers to the self’s capacity to alter its own states and responses (Baumeister, 2002). The ability to maintain self-control and successfully implement long-run decisions depends on the relative strength of the opposing forces of desire and willpower. In psychoanalytic theory, the conflict of desire and willpower is presented as a fluctuation between primary process thinking which is impulse driven, irrational and seeks immediate gratification at any cost, and secondary process thinking which is patient, logical and has the will to postpone gratification for future long-run goals (Loewenstein & Hoch, 1991). State of the Art Related Literature For over fifty years, consumer researchers have strived to form a better definition of impulse buying. Early studies on impulse buying stemmed from managerial and retailer interests. Research in this vein placed its emphasis on the taxonomic approach to classifying products into impulse and non-impulse items in order to facilitate marketing strategies such as point-of-purchase advertising, merchandising, or in-store promotions. This approach is limited by a definitional myopia, which simply equates impulse buying to unplanned purchasing (Bellenger, Robertson, and Hirschman 1978; Kollat and Willet 1967; Stern 1962). Impulse buying generates over $4 billion in annual sales volume in the United States. With the growth of e-commerce and television shopping channels, consumers have easy access to impulse purchasing opportunities, but little is known about this sudden, compelling, hedonically complex purchasing behavior in non-Western cultures. Yet cultural factors moderate many aspects of consumer’s impulsive buying behavior, including self-identity, normative influences, the suppression of emotion, and the postponement of instant gratification. From a multi-country survey of consumers in Australia, United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia, our analyses show that both regional level factors (individualism–collectivism) and individual cultural difference factors (independent –interdependent self-concept) systematically influence impulsive purchasing behavior. (Julie Anne Lee, Department of Marketing, University of Hawaii–Manoa) According to Jacqueline J. Kacen, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Impulsive consumer buying behavior is a widely recognized phenomenon in the United States.It accountsfor up to 80% of all purchases in certain product categories (Abrahams, 1997;Smith, 1996), and it has been suggested that purchases of new products result more from impulse purchasing than from prior planning (Sfiligoj, 1996). A 1997 study found that an estimated $4.2 billion annual store volume was generated by impulse sales of items such as candy and magazines (Mogelonsky, 1998). Paco Underhill, author of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping (1999), affirms that many purchases are being made on the premises of stores themselves as customers give in to their impulses. Furthermore, technologies such as television shopping channels and the Internet expand consumers’ impulse purchasing opportunities, increasing both the accessibility to products and services and the ease with which impulse purchases can be made.Impulsive buying behavior is a sudden, compelling,hedonically complex purchasing behavior in which the rapidity of the impulse purchase decision process precludes thoughtful, deliberate consideration of all information and choice alternatives (Bayley & Nancorrow, 1998; Rook 1987;Thompson, Locander, & Pollio, 1990;Weinberg &Gottwald,1982). This description is largely based on interviews and surveys of Westerners.